I don’t know about you, but it seems our winter weather in NC has been a bit more “extreme” (that is, extreme for NC) this year than in the past few years. Yes, we’ve still had our 60 degree days, following with temperatures in the teens or even snow the next couple of days (typical indecisive weather here in the Old North State), but it seems those temperature lows are dipping a bit further than usual when they do come. This is not the weather for which this home grown southern girl is equipped!
Either way when snow does arrive here in the south, one of the best memories I have growing up on snow days is making snow cream with my family, and that is why I’m sharing with you today a recipe for snow cream during this snowy week.
Gather the Snow
When snow starts falling place a bowl or large pan outside to catch the flakes. If you don’t place a container outside while snow is falling, you can still go outside after it stops snowing and scrape a top layer of snow off a flat surface. Make sure to leave out any dirt or debris that may be on the bottom layer of snow. A good place to look is on the top of your car. Once you have approximately a gallon or 4-6 cups of snow, follow the directions below.
1 cup sugar
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Depending on how sweet you want your snow cream you can add more or less sugar, and you can also substitute milk for sweetened condensed milk, half and half, or heavy cream. Mix all ingredients into the snow and enjoy nice sweet treat on a cold day! Stay warm and safe! -Meredith Vick